1stKerryBeekeepersGatheringOver 70 beekeepers attended the 1st Kerry Beekeepers’ Gathering at the Beaufort Bar in Beaufort last night. The Beaufort Beekeepers hosted the event and are delighted with the turn out with beekeepers representing their respective clubs travelling from Dunmanway, Beara Peninsula, Killorglin, Castleisland, Dingle and Tralee. The night was a great success and hopefully a precursor to future gatherings of Beekeeping associations in the West-Cork/Kerry area. The event was attended by Beekeepers of all levels and as intended, information and practices shared amongst the clubs.

Tom O Sullivan giving demonstration
Tom O'Sullivan giving demonstration

The first speaker was Tom O’Sullivan of Collis Sandes Beekeepers, Tralee. Tom explained how he recycles all his old wax and cappings to make his own foundation sheets for brood frames and supers. Next up was Donal Kelleher from Dunmanway & District Beekeepers.

Donal showed us how he uses brood and a half to develop his colony before he adds queen excluders. Donal also uses a polystyrene bottom board and stand combined with homemade wooden brood boxes, supers and roofs. Next up was our own "Tuddy" Clifford. Tuddy brought in his own CBD style hives which he makes himself - guaranteed to withstand all the weather conditions thrown at us in the south west. All hives come with metal legs to deter our slug friends from seeking a feeding frenzy inside the hive . Last up was Folkert Vechtmann also from the beaufort beekeepers. Folkert demonstrated how to stud, wire and melt foundations onto the frames.
Beaufort Beekeepers would like to thank Astellas Pharma whose donations greatly assist in hosting these events! We would also like to thank Maceoin Honey Farms and Dingle Beekeeping supplies who kindly donate vouchers to us to help promote events such as these

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Donal Kelleher
Donal Kelleher Dunmanway
Tuddy Clifford
Tuddy Clifford
Folkert Vechtmann
Folkert Vechtmann

Irish Beekeepers Association

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