BBA Apiary Ist Inspection
Our first apiary inspection took place today on may 2nd. Our first team consisted of 6 members... Bernie, Denise, Uli, Pat, Denis and Conor. All went well. It was a nice enough day - dry and mild with plenty of nectar and pollen being brought in. The bees behaved themselves and
5 Hives were inspected. All hives had laying queens and varied in strength. The queens were spotted in 3 hives while one was marked. 2 hives in particular looked very strong and should be bustling in another few weeks when the brood hatches. There was alot of varroa considering the hives were treated in the autumn and some signs of Deformed Wing Virus. There was no sign of swarming. On the last hive the team made an apidea with a section of comb containing eggs and a few cups of bees.
Tea and Coffee was supplied by Uli out of the boot of his car - many thanks.
Roll on the next inspection. Its great to be meeting up again!